Yes, you read that title right, I, Mark Andrews think that it’s time to fire Gov. Jones, and moreover I am willing to be the man to do the deed. Why, you might ask. Am I mad? What other explanation could there be to challenge the sitting governor in a primary who in recent polls has about a 65% approval rating?
Well, yes, I am mad, but not in the sense of insanity. I’m furious at how Gov. Jones has hollowed out and sold out our formerly great state. I understand that he’s a nice man with a charming personality, but that’s no excuse for incompetence. Where I come from in corporate America, it doesn’t matter how much the boss likes you, if you underperform, you get the pink slip, and believe me, Gov. Jones has underperformed in a myriad of ways.
For starters, our state’s GDP has grown slower over the past four years than every single one of our neighbors. Our unemployment rate also compares poorly. The number of families relying on food stamps has actually increased since Gov. Jones took office. We are literally the only state where that’s been the case over that time frame.
Honestly his failures on the economic front are so bad they’re almost impressive. Sure, he’s thrown the GOP base some red meat on cultural issues and happy talks us through our state’s decline, but I don’t believe we need to sacrifice our economy for the sake of social policy. As your governor, I will work day and night to bring back the companies Jones has scared off, with offers they can’t refuse, I’ll invest public funds in things that really matter like schools and infrastructure, instead of the vanity projects Jones has pursued, and I will ease the tax burden on families with a special child tax credit. Vote for me and we can recover.